Ralph E. Gomory
Born May 7, 1929, Brooklyn Heights, N. Y; IBM executive vice president and director of research; National Medal of Science; president of the Sloan Foundation.

Education: BA, Williams College, 1950; PhD, mathematics, Princeton University, 1954.
Professional Experience: US Navy, 1954-1957; Higgins lecturer and assistant professor, Princeton University, 1957-1959; IBM: Research Division, 1959-1989, director of the Mathematical Sciences Department, 1965-1970, IBM director of research, 1970-1986, vice president, 1973-1985, senior vice president, 1985-1986, senior vice president for science and technology, 1986-1989; president, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, 1989-present.
Honors and Awards: Lanchester Prize, 1963; IBM fellow, 1964; John von Neumann Theory Prize, 1984; IEEE Engineering Leadership Award, 1988; National Medal of Science, 1988; member, President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, 1990; member, National Academy of Science; member, National Academy of Engineering.
Dr. Gomory's scientific research interests have included integer and linear programming, network flow theory, nonlinear differential equations, and computers. In recent years he has written on the nature of technology and product development, on research in industry, and on industrial competitiveness.
The web version corrects the spelling of Dr. Gomory's name. (THVV 2013)
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