Jerrier A. Haddad
Born July 17, 1922, New York, N. Y; manager of the development project which resulted in the IBM-701 (Defense Calculator).

Education: BEE, Cornell University, 1945.
Professional Experience: IBM: member, IBM Engineering Laboratory, Endicott, NX, 1945-1946, member, IBM Engineering Laboratory, Poughkeepsie, N.Y., 1946-1953, engineering manager, IBM-701, 1951-1953, manager, Component Development, 1953, manager, IBM Endicott Engineering Laboratory, 1953-1954, director, advanced machine development, IBM Headquarters New York, 1954-1956, general manager, Special Engineering Products Division, 1956-1958, general manager, Advanced System Development Division, 1959-1962, vice president of development, Data Systems Division, 1962-1963, vice president of system engineering, Data Processing Division, 1963-1964, director of engineering, programming and technology, IBM Headquarters, 1964-1970, IBM vice president, 1967-1981, director, Poughkeepsie Laboratory, 1971-1972, vice president of development, Systems Products Division, 1972-1975, vice president, engineering, programming and technology, 1975-1977, vice president, technical personnel development, 1978-1981, retired 1981.
Honors and Awards: member, National Academy of Engineering, 1968; Order of the Cedar, Lebanese Republic, 1970; DSc, Union College, 1971, DSc, Clarkson College, 1978; IEEE Computer Society Pioneer Award, 1984; fellow, IEEE.
"Jerry" Haddad joined IBM's Endicott, N.Y, engineering laboratory in 1945. He served in a number of technical capacities within IBM. He was a member of the IBM-604 development team and headed the IBM-701 engineering team. He has been general manager of the Special Engineering Products and Advanced Systems Development Divisions; a vice president of the Data Processing Division, the Data Systems Division, and the Systems Products Division; and manager of the Endicott Laboratory and the Poughkeepsie Laboratory. In 1963, he became director of technology and engineering in Corporate Headquarters, and in 1967 was elected IBM vice president, engineering, programming and technology, a position he held until 1977. At the time of his retirement in September 1981, he was IBM vice president, technical personnel development.
Haddad received the BEE degree from Cornell University's College of Engineering, where he was awarded a McMullen Industrial Scholarship and was an undergraduate teaching assistant. He has served Cornell as a member of its Engineering College Advisory Council, and presently is chairman emeritus. He is a trustee of Clarkson University, a trustee of the Webb Institute of Naval Architecture, and a former chairman of the board of the Engineering Foundation.
Haddad is a member of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE), and has served on its Committee on Technology and International Economic and Trade Issues. He was chairman of the National Research Council (NRC) Committee on Education and Utilization of the Engineer and was a member of the NRC Board on Army Science and Technology, the NRC Committee on Engineering Personnel Data Needs, and the NAE Education Advisory Board.
He is a fellow of both the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) and the IEEE. He was a member of the IEEE Education Activities Board and the IEEE Academy Committee. He was a member of the IEEE Committee on Continuing Education and the IEEE Publications Board. He is an IEEE appointed member and secretary of the Board of Directors of the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET).
He has received honorary doctor of science degrees from Union College (1971) and Clarkson University (1978). In 1970, he received the Order of the Cedars Medal from the Republic of Lebanon for his scientific and technical achievements. He is the holder of 18 patents for inventions in the computer and electronics field, and has written and lectured extensively on engineering, scientific, and educational topics.
Haddad, J. A., "701 Recollections," Ann. Hist. Comp., Vol. 5, No. 2, Apr. 1983, pp. 118-123.
Jerrier Haddad died on March 31, 2017 (THVV, 2021)
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