Stephen Cole Kleene
Born 1909, Hartford, Conn.; logician and linguist, most remembered for his introduction of "Kleene closure" a mechanism for describing the repetition of phrases in a regular language.

Education: Amherst College, 1930; PhD, Princeton University, 1930.
Professional Experience: professor of mathematics, University of Wisconsin, since 1935; president Association for Symbolic Logic, 1956-1958; editor, Journal of Symbolic Logic, 1950-1962.
Honors and Awards: member, National Academy of Sciences, 1969.
"Logic has the important function of saying what follows from what."
Kleene, Stephen C., "Origins of Recursive Function Theory," Ann. Hist. Comp., Vol. 3, No. 1, 1981, pp. 52-67.
Significant Publications
Kleene, Stephen C., Foundations of Intuitionistic Mathematics, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1965.
Meene, Stephen C., Introduction to Mathematics, American Elsevier, MY, 1971.
Kline died January 25, 1994 (MRW, 2013), Portrait inserted (MRW, 2013)
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