George Radin
Member of the IBM group that developed the language and the compiler technology in support of the programming language PL/I.

Education: BA, English literature, Brooklyn College, 1951; MA, English literature, Columbia University, 1952; MS, mathematics, New York University; 1961.
Professional Experience: manager, NYU College of Engineering Computer Center; manager, Applications Programming, Columbia University; IBM Corp.: instructor, IBM Systems Research Institute, member, Advanced Computer Utilization Department, manager, Product Planning and Advanced Technology, manager, Advanced Systems Architecture and Design, senior manager, T.J. Watson Research Center.
Honors and Awards: fellow, IBM Corp., 1980.
After joining the IBM Advanced Computer Utilization Department in 1963, Radin has been intimately involved with the development of the programming language PL/I, and has been a member of the design teams for OS/360 and TSS.
Radin, George, "The Early History and Characteristics of PL/I," in Wexelblat, Richard L., ed., History of Programming Languages, Academic Press, New York, 1981.
Portrait changed (MRW, 2013)
George Radin died on May 21, 2013 (THVV, 2021)
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