Vladmir Zworykin
Born July 29, 1888, Mourom, Russia, RCA inventor of the iconoscope, the first really practical television image pickup tube.

Education: EE, Institute of Technology, Petrograd, Russia, 1912; PhD, physics, University of Pittsburgh, 1926.
Professional Experience: research engineer, Westinghouse Electrical and Manufacturing Corp., 1920-1929; director, Electronic Research, RCA Manufacturing Corp., 1929-1940; RCA Corp.: associate research director, RCA Laboratories, 1942-1945, director, electronic research, 1946-1954, vice president and technical consultant, 1947-1954, consultant, 1954-1978, honorary vice president, 1954.
Honors and Awards: Liebmann Prize, 1934; DSc (Hon.), Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, 1938; Overseas Award, (British) Institute of Electrical Engineers, 1939; Faraday Medal, 1965; Modern Pioneer Award, National Manufacturers Association, 1940; Rumford Medal, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1941; Certificate of Appreciation, US War Department, 1945; Potts Medal, Franklin Institute, 1947; Certificate of Commendation, US Department of the Navy, 1947; Chevalier Cross, Legion of Honour, France, 1948; Gold Medal of Achievement, Poor Richard Club, 1949; Lamme Award, IEEE, 1948; Progress Medal, Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers, 1950; Medal of Honor, IEEE, 1951; Edison Medal, IEEE, 1952; Gold Medal, French Union of Inventors, 1954; Cristoforo Columbo Medal, Italian Government, 1959; Order of Merit, Italian Government, 1950; Trasenter Medal, University of Liege, 1959; Broadcast Pioneers Award, 1963; DSc (Hon.), Rutgers University, 1972; member, National Academy of Sciences; member, National Inventors Hall of Fame.
Zworykin died July 29, 1982; portrait added (MRW, 2013)
Corrected date of birth (THVV, 2023)
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