[For the provenance of the information on this page, see the note at the end of the page.]
Presumably the Computer Society president was always an ex officio member of the History Committee, but not all of them are listed here. During some years, they were not active participants. Other staff members who did actively participate are listed, and the Annals EIC is listed for when he participated.
- 1987: Stephen Yau, chair
Roy Russo, David Jacobsohn, C.V. Ramamoorthy, Dick Simmons, Merlin Smith
- 1988: Stephen Yau, chair
Roy Russo, David Jacobsohn, C.V. Ramamoorthy, Dick Simmons, Merlin Smith
- 1989: Stephen Yau, chair
Roy Russo, David Jacobsohn, C.V. Ramamoorthy, Dick Simmons, Merlin Smith
- 1990: Stephen Yau, chair
Kenneth Anderson, Oscar Garcia, David Jacobsohn, Ralph Preiss, C.V. Ramamoorthy, Dick Simmons, Merlin Smith
- 1991: Stephen Yau, chair
Kenneth Anderson, Tse-yun Feng, Oscar Garcia, David Jacobsohn, Ralph Preiss, C.V. Ramamoorthy, Bruce Shriver, Dick Simmons, Ronald Williams
- 1992: Merlin Smith, chair
Fiorenza Albert-Howard, William Aspray, Ted Bonn, Walter Carlson, Tse-yun Feng, Oscar Garcia, Harry Huskey, David Jacobsohn, John A. N. Lee, Ralph Preiss, C. V. Ramamoorthy, Robert Rosin, Dick Simmons, Michael Williams, Marshall Yovita
- 1993: John A.N. Lee, chair
Fiorenza Albert-Howard, Kenneth Anderson, William Aspray, Ted Bonn, Walter Carlson, Tse-yun Feng, Oscar Garcia, Harry Huskey, David Jacobsohn, Ralph Preiss, C.V. Ramamoorthy, Robert Rosin, Dick Simmons, Merlin Smith, Michael Williams, Akihiko Yamada, Marshall Yovits
- 1994: John A.N. Lee, chair
Fiorenza Albert-Howard, Walter Carlson, Bernard Galler, Calvin Gotlieb, Harry Huskey, C. V. Ramaoorthy, John Todd, Henry Troop, Wladyslaw Turski, Maurice Wilkes, Michael Williams
- 1995: Helen Wood, chair
Mario Barbacci, Violet Doan, T. Michael Elliott, Ronald Hoelzeman, Laurel Kaleda, John A.N. Lee, Guylaine Pollock
- 1996: Helen Wood, chair
Mario Barbacci, Violet Doan, T. Michael Elliot, Ronald Hoelzeman, Barry Johnson, Laural Kaleda, Anne Marie Kelly, John A.N. Lee, Stephen Yau
- 1997: John A.N. Lee, chair
William Aspray, Thomas Bergin, Barry Johnson, Frederick Nebeker, Earl Swartzlander, Michael Williams, Helen Wood
- 1998: Mike Williams, chair
William Aspray, Thomas Bergin, Barry Johnson, John A.N. Lee, Frederick Nebeker, Earl Swartzlander Jr., Helen Wood
- 1999: Mike Williams, chair
William Aspray, Thomas Bergin, Lynne Harris, Barry Johnson, Frederick Nebeker, Earl Swartzlander Jr.
- 2000: Mike Williams, chair
Thomas Bergin, Lynne Harris
- 2001: Ming T. (Mike) Liu, chair
Thomas Bergin, Lynne Harris
- 2002: Ming T. (Mike) Liu, chair
Thomas Bergin, Lynne Harris
- 2003: Ming T. (Mike) Liu, chair
(no directory published -- help please!)
- 2004: Ming T. (Mike) Liu, chair
Carl Chang, Bill Buckles, T. Feng, Wolfgang Giloi, David Grier, Lynne Harris, Raymond Miller, Iwao Toda, Joesph Urban, Akihiko Yamada, Marshall Yovits
- 2005: Ming T. (Mike) Liu, chair
Bill Buckles, Tse-yun Feng, Wolfgang Giloi, David Grier, Lynne Harris, Reiner Hartenstein, Raymond Miller, Iwao Toda, Joesph Urban, Akihiko Yamada, Marshall Yovits
- 2006: Ming T. (Mike) Liu, chair
Bill Buckles, Tse-yun Feng, Wolfgang Giloi, David Grier, Lynne Harris, Reiner Hartenstein, Raymond Miller, Iwao Toda, Joesph Urban, Akihiko Yamada, Marshall Yovits
- 2007: Willis King, chair
Alan Clements, Antonio Doria, J.T. Cain, Carl Chang, Stephen Diamond, Richard Eckhouse, Lynne Harris, Ming T. (Mike) Liu, Raymond Miller, John Walz, Ron Waxman, Michael Williams
- 2008: Willis King, chair
Anne Marie Kelly, Pam Kemper, Ming T. (Mike) Liu, Raymond Miller, John Walz, Akihiko Yamada
- 2009: Willis King, chair
Mike Williams, Stephen Diamond, Ming (Mike) T Liu, John Walz, Akihiko Yamada, Anne Marie Kelly, David Grier (ex-officio), Ray Miller, Pam Kemper
- 2010: Willis King, chair
Fernando Bouche, Stephen Diamond, Susan Hayden, Anne Marie Kelly, Mike Liu, Ray Miller, Mike Williams, Akihiko Yamada, Gary Robinson (guest)
- 2011: David Walden, chair
Matthias Bärwolff, Fernando Bouche, Stephen. Diamond, Harry Forsdick, Susan Hayden, Anne Marie Kelly, Willis K. King, Ming T. (Mike) Liu, Stanley Mazor, Raymond Miller, V. Rajaraman, Andrew Russell, Tom Van Vleck, Andreu Veà, Michael Williams, Akihiko Yamada, Jeffrey Yost
- 2012: David Walden, chair
Matthias Bärwolff, Fernando Bouche, Stephen. Diamond, Susan Hayden, Anne Marie Kelly, Willis K. King, Stanley Mazor, Raymond Miller, V. Rajaraman, Andrew Russell, Tom Van Vleck, Andreu Veà, Michael Williams, Akihiko Yamada, Jeffrey Yost
- 2013: Jeffrey Yost, chair
Janet Abbate, Matthias Bärwolff, Fernando Bouche, Stephen. Diamond, Luanne Johnson, Anne Marie Kelly, Willis K. King, Ming T. (Mike) Liu, Stanley Mazor, Raymond Miller, V. Rajaraman, Andrew Russell, Tom Van Vleck, David Walden, Michael Williams, Akihiko Yamada
- 2014: Jeffrey Yost, chair
Janet Abbate, Angela R. Burgess, Matthias Bärwolff, Stephen Diamond, Anne Marie Kelly, Millie Lovos, Stanley Mazor, Raymond E. Miller, Stephen Diamond, V. Rajaraman, Andrew Russell, Tom Van Vleck, Dave Walden, Michael R. Williams
- 2015: Jeffrey Yost, chair
Janet Abbate, Angela R. Burgess, Matthias Bärwolff, Stephen Diamond, Nathan Ensmenger, Anne Marie Kelly, Chigusa Kita, Stanley Mazor, Stephen Diamond, V. Rajaraman, Andrew Russell, Tom Van Vleck, Dave Walden, Michael R. Williams
- 2016: Jeffrey Yost, chair
Janet Abbate, Angela R. Burgess, Matthias Bärwolff, Stephen Diamond, Nathan Ensmenger, Anne Marie Kelly, Chigusa Kita, Stanley Mazor, Stephen Diamond, V. Rajaraman, Andrew Russell, Tom Van Vleck, Dave Walden, Michael R. Williams
- 2017: Jeffrey Yost, chair
Janet Abbate, David Brock, Angela R. Burgess, Stephen Diamond, Nathan Ensmenger, Anne Marie Kelly, Chigusa Kita, Stanley Mazor, V. Rajaraman, Andrew Russell, Tom Van Vleck, Dave Walden, Michael R. Williams
- 2018: Jeffrey Yost, chair
David Brock, Stephen Diamond, Nathan Ensmenger, Anne Marie Kelly Chigusa Kita, Stanley Mazor, V. Rajaraman, Andrew Russell, Tom Van Vleck, Dave Walden, Michael R. Williams
- 2019: Stefano Di Carlo, chair
The committee was not active in 2019.
- 2020: William Aspray, chair
Pennington Ahlstrand, David Brock, James Cortada, Gerardo con Diaz, Helena Durnova, Jonathan Grudin, Unmil Karadkar, Anne Marie Kelly, Chigusa Kita, David Lomet, Alex Magoun, Bozenna Pasik-Duncan, Andrew Russell, Honghong Tinn, David Walden, Gregg Pascal Zachary
In 1987 the committee was listed as an Ad Hoc Committee on Society History. In 1988 and 1989, the committee was listed a committee on Society History. From 1990 on, the committee has been listed as the History Committee.
On 2010-11-17, Mike Liu provided a list of committee chairs and the numbers of committee members for each year that a Society directory had been published (1991 to 2007, but not in 2003 and after 2007). On 2011-08-02 Susan Hayden scanned the pages of the existing directories allowing members names to be added to Mike's list of chairs. On 2011-08-02 Dave Walden added lists of members found in meeting minutes from 2007 through 2010, however these yearly lists may not be accurate or complete (help please!). Later Anne Marie Kelly noticed three additional Society Directories (1987-1989), and Susan Hayden provided scans of these on 2011-09-19. Since 2013 Millie Lovos has maintain a record of committee members.
Sometimes members were added to the committee (and sometimes members left the committee) after the yearly director was published; it would be nice to follow a policy of listing everyone who served the committee for any part of a year, whether in the director or not (again, help please!).