Adin D. Falkoff
Born December 19, 1921, New Jersey; with Ken Iverson, coauthor, implementer and Promoter of the Programming language APL.

Education: BChE, chemical engineering, City College of New York, 1941; MA, mathematics, Yale University, 1963 (under the IBM Resident Scholarship Program).
Professional Experience: joined IBM, 1955; staff member (part-time), IBM Systems Research Institute, 1963-1967; visiting lecturer, Yale University, 1968-1970; established and managed IBM Philadelphia Scientific Center, 1970-1974; manager, APL Design Group, T.J. Watson Research Center, 1977-1987; research staff member, Computer Science Department, T.J. Watson Research Center, 1987-present.
Honors and Awards: IBM Outstanding Contribution Awards for development of APL and APL/360; first recipient, ACM Award for "outstanding contribution to the development and application of APL," 1983.
Falkoff, Adin D., and Kenneth E. Iverson, "The Evolution of APL," in Wexelblat, Richard L., ed., History of Programming Languages, Academic Press, New York, 1981, Chapter 14.
Significant Publications
Falkoff, A.D., "Algorithms for Parallel Search Memories," J ACM, Vol 9, No. 4, 1962, pp. 488-511.
Falkoff, A.D., K-E. Iverson, and E. H. Sussenguth, "A Formal Description of System/360," IBM Systems J, Vol 3, No. 4, 1964, pp. 198-262.
Falkoff, A.D., and K. E. Iverson, "The Design of APL," IBM J Research and Development, Vol 17, No. 4, 1973, pp. 324-334.
Falkoff, A.D., "A Note on Pattern Matching," APL79 Proceedings, APL Quote Quad, Vol 9, No. 4, Part 1, 1979, pp. 119-122.
Falkoff, A.D., and D. L. Orth, "Development of an APL Standard," APL79 Proceedings, APL Quote Quad, Vol 9, No. 4, Part 2, 1979, pp. 409-453.
Falkoff, A.D., 'The IBM Family of APL Systems," IBM Systems J, Vol 30, No. 4, 1991, pp. 416-432.
Adin Falkoff died August 13, 2010. (MRW, 2012)
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